Last updated 29 August 2024
This page is a resource list of where migrants can seek help for certain issues they may face in respect of employment and Australian workplaces.
This list is not comprehensive but provides information about many of the organisations and services that may be able to help if you are in Australia on a temporary visa or if your visa has expired.
You should always get legal advice about your particular situation.
If your visa is about to expire, you may be able to get a new visa to extend your stay in Australia so you can take legal action against an employer. For example, if you’re nearing the end of your visa but have been underpaid, you can apply for a visa that allows you to stay in Australia while your underpayment claim is being actioned.
Find out more about this visa here: Workplace Justice Visa - Temporary Activity Visa (subclass 408).
If you have breached your visa conditions (for example, you worked too many hours on your student visa), you may be able to get a guarantee from Home Affairs that your visa won’t be cancelled if you take legal action against your employer (so this will protect you in the event your employer threatens to report you into the immigration authorities).
Find out more about the protections against visa cancellation for exploited workers who have breached their visa here: Visa Protections.
If you are in danger or there is an emergency, call 000.
Legal and migration advice
Anti-Slavery Australia: 02 9514 8115
Other support
The Support for Trafficked People Program supports victims of trafficking, slavery and slavery-like practices, and is delivered nationally by the Australian Red Cross. If you or someone you know is being exploited, you can contact the Red Cross for information and confidential advice below:
Support for Trafficked People Program: 1800 113 015 or email
Alternatively, you can contact:
Salvation Army Trafficking and Slavery Safe House for Women: 1300 473 560
Office of the Anti-Slavery Commissioner (NSW): 1800 373 3366
Reporting to the police
The Australian Federal Police can protect people who are experiencing trafficking, forced labour or forced marriage. If you suspect that you or another person is experiencing, or at risk of, modern slavery or human trafficking, you can make a report online or call 131 237. Your report can be anonymous.
If you are not comfortable contacting the AFP, you can contact Red Cross for confidential advice.
Community legal services provide free legal help for your problem at work, including underpayment, losing your job, or discrimination.
National Directories
New South Wales
Employment Rights Legal Service: 02 8004 3270
International Students Legal Service: 02 9698 7645
Migrant Workers’ Centre: 03 7009 6710
South-East Monash Legal Service: 03 9545 7400
Westjustice: 03 9749 7720
International Students Employment and Accommodation Legal Service: 1800 056 449
Young Workers Centre: 1800 714 754
JobWatch: 1800 331 617
Working Women’s Centre QLD: 1800 358 511
Western Australia
Circle Green: 08 6148 3636
South Australia
Find a community legal centre here.
Working Women’s Centre SA: 08 8410 6499
Launceston Community Legal Centre: 1800 066 019
JobWatch: 1800 331 617
Northern Territory
Darwin Community Legal Service: 1800 812 953
Working Women’s Centre NT: 1800 817 055
Australian Capital Territory
Canberra Community Law: 02 6218 7900
University student legal services
If you’re an international student, don’t forget to ask your education provider if a student legal service can help you for free!
Unions can represent you in the workplace and help you resolve an issue with your employer. You may need to pay a fee to join a union.
You can find the union for your industry here or by calling 1300 486 466.
Fair Work Ombudsman
The Fair Work Ombudsman is an independent government agency that helps people understand Australian workplace laws and can take action against employers that do not follow the law.
You can contact the Fair Work Ombudsman here or by calling 13 13 94.
If you work on an ABN for a food delivery, rideshare or services platform (e.g. Uber, DiDi, AirTasker), you are probably an independent contractor when you are doing that work. Independent contractors have different rights and responsibilities to employees.
If you have a problem or dispute, you can seek help from:
JobWatch (VIC, QLD, TAS): 1800 331 617
Migrant Workers’ Centre (VIC): 03 7009 6710
A community legal centre. You can find a community legal centre here or by calling 02 9160 9500
The Transport Workers’ Union, which represents food delivery and rideshare drivers in the gig economy: 02 8114 6500
There are specific advice services for refugees and asylum seekers – you can find one here.
New South Wales
Immigration Advice and Rights Centre: 02 8234 0700
Union members in NSW are able to access free migration advice through the Visa Assist program.
Migrant Workers’ Centre: 03 7009 6710
Refugee and Immigration Legal Service: 07 3846 9300
Western Australia
Circle Green: 08 6148 3636
South Australia
Legal Services Commission (excluding student or skilled visas): 08 8111 5539
JusticeNet may be able to connect you with a free lawyer: 08 8410 2280
A community legal centre may be able to help you – search here.
Northern Territory
Multicultural Council of the Northern Territory: 09 8945 9122
Australian Capital Territory
Legal Aid ACT - Migration Clinic: 1300 654 314
Union members in the ACT are able to access free migration advice through the Visa Assist program
For assistance with tax or superannuation, visit:
Australian Taxation Office: 13 28 61
For mental health assistance, visit:
Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 476
Headspace: 1800 650 890
You can find support services in your specific state or territory here.
For more support, visit:
Red Cross Support for people on temporary visas experiencing family and domestic violence.
1800RESPECT: 1800 737 732
Women’s Legal Service: 02 8745 6999 (Rural: 1800 810 784)
Immigrant Women’s Speak Out Association (NSW): 02 9635 8022
Men’s Referral Service: 1300 766 491
For financial assistance, visit:
Salvation Army: 1800 007 007
St Vincent de Paul Society: 13 18 12
National Debt Helpline: 1800 007 007
Emergency Hardship Assistance (QLD): 1800 173 349
For help with electricity and gas bills:
For food assistance, contact:
St Vincent de Paul Society: 13 18 12
OzHarvest: 02 9516 3877
Anglicare Food Assistance: 1300 111 278
Foodbank (NSW & ACT): 02 9756 3099
For housing assistance, contact:
Salvation Army: 03 8878 4500
St Vincent de Paul Society: 13 18 12